In this article, you will get to know about calluses, how to get rid of them, and how to treat them effectively. So for the first things first we must know what calluses are, they are hard and sometimes painful areas of the skin that develops on the feet due to pressure or friction. They are not at all dangerous, but they can cause severe irritation and pain at times. Now, calluses can form due to many reasons like, wearing ill-fitting shoes, have sweaty feet, or those who walk or stand for a very long period every day. You can identify them very easily as they have a hard center and may be surrounded by inflamed skin. There are several effective solutions to treat calluses with like Potassium Hydroxide and Salicylic Acid which can be found in the form of gels and creams to treat calluses. You can also use skin cream and moisturizers to keep your feet dry and moisturized and protect it from developing calluses.
Now, let’s move on to the top 10 callus-removal creams present in the market-
1.Simon and Tom Callus Removing Gel– The product effectively nourishes and hydrates the feet which prevent calluses from developing. The gel contains the very useful Moroccan Argan oil which is enriched with Vitamin E, fatty acids, and antioxidants, which penetrates deep into the skin and refreshes the skin. In addition to this, it also has Aloe Vera who also moisturizes the feet and heals it. The ingredient present in this product makes it a brilliant choice to heal any feet with callus. The gel has been used widely among many athletes who have given positive feedback about the product. It has been successfully treating dry heels, crack follicles, and hardened calluses.
2.Watts Beauty Pure Argan Oil– The product consists of 100-percent pure Moroccan Argan Oil and is capable of treating many problems. It can moisturize rough heels and cleanse the dirt present in the already cracked heels. Helps to soften calluses and improve skin quality and flexibility.
3. Flexitol Callus Remover Cream– This cream has wonderful effects on calluses and helps to remove them and improve skin quality. It contains a blend of Alpha Hydroxy Acids which penetrates deep into the cracked or callused skin, moisturizes, and softens the area, making it easier for you to remove the hardened callus. It is designed to penetrate deep and bring out dead cells and keep the skin soft.
4.Art Naturals Organic Jojoba Oil– This product is one of the best deals out there. It contains a significant amount of Jojoba oil which makes the product so effective due to its beauty and healing properties. It contains Vitamin E and helps to moisturize the cracked heels or hard calluses and quickly makes them soft. Jojoba oil helps to clean the dirt from cracked heels, open pores, or around calluses and improves skin quality, and prevents the breakdown of healthy skin cells. It also clears out any dirt or bacteria from pores and cracks because of the presence of Aloe Vera extracts. Thus it has a wide range of effective services to offer.
5.Biotrade Keratolin Remover Gel– The product contains a blend of many acids like Lactic acid, Salicylic acid, Glycolic acid as its active ingredients which helps in removing dead cells and hard calluses. It intensively exfoliates the accumulated layer of dead and hard cells and removes them. You can see its effects within five to six days of apply.
6.Pretty Feet and Hands Rough Skin Remover– This product is mild and can be used both by men and women without any problems. It safely and gently improves and softens rough, dead, hardened, and flaky skin areas. It helps in the promotion of skin cell regeneration. It can be applied to many parts like elbows, knees, hands, feet, etc. It safely and gently improves and softens the skin, renewing its quality once again.
7. Callus Eliminator Bundle– This product has been proven to be a natural callus and rough skin eliminator and works quickly within three to five minutes. This product has a rich blend of oils, vitamins, and other essential ingredients which allows it to work so effectively on calluses. It is one of the best solutions if you are looking for a quick solution for your dry and hardened calluses. It simply breaks down the hard calluses and enables you to pick them out easily.
8.ZoomDry Callus Action Gel– This gel-based product works like wonder within three to five minutes of applying. It helps the rough and hardened dead cells or calluses to go soft and easy for you to pick them out. It also helps the skin around the callused area to remain soft to prevent further hardening.
9.ProLinc Callus Eliminator– It is a fast and effective solution for you if you do not have much time to pedicure your calluses. Simply apply this product, and it breaks the calluses down for you within minutes of applying. It has got positive feedbacks and helps you to get soft and smooth skin free of dead cells.
10.ProFoot Callus Remover Gel– One of the most popular products in the market, it helps you not only to remove unwanted calluses but also penetrates into the skin, exfoliates and replenishes your skin cells. The product can penetrate deep down your skin layers, loosens up the dead skin cells, and softens it up and breaks down the hardest of calluses. The product is safe and works very well.
These are details about the products we have been talking about in the article for treating unwanted calluses and dead skin cells. But not everyone relies on these medicines and prefers to get treated by more natural ways or home remedies. So now we will talk about some home remedies of removing unwanted calluses on your feet below.
Home Remedies For Callus Removal
It is known that Calluses occur due to dry skin or too much friction in one area, such as repeated rubbing or ill-fitting wearable. Sometimes poor blood flow also causes the same. Nevertheless, a callus can cause serious discomfort and irritation, so they need to be scraped out from the surface. There are three main steps that can help you to get rid of calluses all the time- Soaking, Scrubbing, and Drying.
Soaking :
- Chamomile Tea- immersing your feet in chamomile tea helps in softening the hardened skin effectively. Your skin will become recolored (the color of the tea) and turn soft which will help you to take out the calluses.
- Epsom Salt– one of the easiest ways is to soak your feet in warm water which has Epsom salt mixed with it. It will easily soften up the area and help you to scrub out the calluses. It also helps to keep your feet free from infection.
- Apple Cider Vinegar– because of its acidic nature Apple cider vinegar helps hardened areas of the skin to soften up and bring out the dead cells, making it easier for you to scrub out the callus. Just dip your feet into the solution and keep it for fifteen to twenty minutes.
- Baking Soda- It is an easy way to treat your calluses. The crystals present in the baking soda helps to exfoliate the hardened skin, and while you have your feet in it, massage them, this will effectively soften up the hardened skin areas and let you scrub them out.
- Castor Oil- Soaking your feet into mild-warm castor helps. The thick castor oil helps to moisturize the skin deeply to its roots, softens the hardened dead cells, and allows you to remove them almost immediately.
- Many people prefer scrubbing over-soaking to treat and remove the calluses. The most common way of doing so is to use a pumice stone. Use a pumice stone and gently scrub over the hardened area to exfoliate it. Start by soaking your feet into Luke warm water for eight to ten minutes. Then scrub over the areas gently with the stone and keep cleaning the stone after a short time interval. Do not scrub very hard as it can be painful and you might do more damage to the area. After the session is done apply some moisturizer or mild cream to seal the moisture, which will prevent it from getting dried up.
- Many people also walk barefooted over rough surfaces like the open ground or sandy track to remove their calluses which happens due to the friction.
- Drying:
- They do it by completely drying the affected area or apply corn-starch helps too. After the area is dried up, you need to scrub or cut it out completely. This is not recommended because while doing it you might hurt yourself.
There Are Many Other Ways To Treat Your Calluses By Using Home Remedies Too-
- Olive Oil and Sesame Oil– Applying mild-warm olive oil or sesame oil over the affected area helps to soften the hardened skin. It takes a bit of time to have its effect, therefore after applying the oil cover your feet with cotton socks overnight which will seal the oil. The next day your calluses will be completely soft and ready to be taken out.
- Glycerin– As it is widely known that glycerin is used to retain moisture in various products like soaps, moisturizers, etc., similarly use a solution of glycerin and apply it thoroughly over the calluses. This will help the hardened areas to get moisturized deeply. As a result, they will become soft and ready to be taken or scrubbed out.
So these are many of the products (both manufactured and home remedies) that will help you to deal with callus problems. Next time if you or anyone around you have such a problem you will know what to and how to take care of it.
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